The Birthplace of Buddha Sakyamuni
BODHGAYAThe place where Buddha attained enlightenment
SARNATHThe place where The Buddha gave his first sermon
KUSHINAGARThe place of Mahaparinirvana
Take a journey to around India and discover the life of Sakyamuni Buddha as we visit the important sites as recorded in the text. Follow us as we visit the 8 main sacred places and pay respects to the Buddha for a complete Buddhist pilgrimage of India.
游览印度各地,参观拥有文字记载的重要景点,发现释迦牟尼佛的生活。 请跟随我们,参观8大主要佛教圣地,并向佛陀表示敬意,完成一趟的佛教朝圣之礼。
The Birthplace of Buddha Sakyamuni
BODHGAYAThe place where Buddha attained enlightenment
SARNATHThe place where The Buddha gave his first sermon
KUSHINAGARThe place of Mahaparinirvana
The place where Buddha performed miracles
RAJGIRThe place where the Buddha delivered some of his famous sermons
SANKASIAThe place where the Buddha descended back to Earth
VAISHALIThe Place Where Lord Buddha Delivered His Last Sermon, Hinting At His Impending Departure From
The Mortal World.
*For Dates not reflected, please enquire
Take a journey to around India and discover the life of Sakyamuni Buddha as we visit the important sites as recorded in the text. Follow us as we visit the 8 main sacred places and pay respects to the Buddha for a complete Buddhist pilgrimage of India.
游览印度各地,参观拥有文字记载的重要景点,发现释迦牟尼佛的生活。 请跟随我们,参观8大主要佛教圣地,并向佛陀表示敬意,完成一趟的佛教朝圣之礼。
The Birthplace of Buddha Sakyamuni
BODHGAYAThe place where Buddha attained enlightenment
SARNATHThe place where The Buddha gave his first sermon
KUSHINAGARThe place of Mahaparinirvana
The place where Buddha performed miracles
RAJGIRThe place where the Buddha delivered some of his famous sermons
SANKASIAThe place where the Buddha descended back to Earth
VAISHALIThe Place Where Lord Buddha Delivered His Last Sermon, Hinting At His Impending Departure From
The Mortal World.
*For Dates not reflected, please enquire
On arrival, check in hotel for your night of rest.
Dhamekh Stupa - The stupa is said to mark the place where Buddha gave his first sermons.
Sarnath Archaeological Museum - The oldest Archeological Museum in India which exhibits the Buddhist artifacts recovered within Sarnath.
Chaukhandi Stupa - An important Buddhist Stupa which was initially built as a temple to mark the site where Buddha met his first disciples.
【答枚克佛塔】- 建于第6世纪,高度超过40米的雄伟佛塔,虽然有部分遭到毁坏,但是全部雕刻着精美几何图案的佛塔基部仍完好无损。
【鹿野苑考古博物馆】- 印度最古老的考古博物馆,收藏了鹿野苑内的佛教文物。
【喬堪祗塔】- 历史悠久的佛塔,为了纪念佛陀遇到第一个弟子的地点。
Ganges River sunrise cruise - Witness sunrise and see the Bathing and Cremation Ghats. To see the day unfold at the Ghats, you must rise before dawn to join the pilgrims.
【船游恒河】- 观看日出以及“迦特”(Ghat)。每天清晨日出前,都有许多印度教徒聚集在河坛周边,等待东方第一曙光划过湖面时,开始双手合掌、口中念念有词、洗涤罪恶。
Maha Bodhi Temple - An architectural amalgamation of many cultures. The temple is also said to mark the site of Buddha’s enlightenment.
Sujata Kuti - A Stupa created in memory of Sujata, the daughter of the Senani (Village chief) of Uruvela, who offered Buddha a meal of milk, rice, and honey.
Sujata Village - The Village is named after Sujata, located near the Maha Bodhi Temple.
【摩诃菩提庙】- 它是众多建筑学的融合。该寺印记着古浦他(Gupta)王朝和随后时期的建筑结构。
【稣嘉塔大塔】- 纪念供奉乳糜救活佛陀牧羊女儿稣嘉塔而创建的佛塔,后者为佛陀提供了乳糜和蜂蜜,稣嘉塔村也在摩诃菩提寺附近。
【稣嘉塔村】- 纪念牧羊女嘉塔而命名的小村。
Nalanda University - One of the oldest universities of the World & International Centre for Buddhist Studies.
Gridhakuta Hill - The seat from where Buddha delivered many of his sermons. It was here that the teaching of Buddha was recorded in writing for the first time in the First Buddhist Council held at Rajgir after the demise of Lord Buddha.
【佛教大学遗址】- 印度第5-12世纪时的佛教大学,也是世界上最古老的大学之一。它拥有九百万本书籍、一万名学生、两千位教师,是一所杰出的学习中心。
【灵鹫山】- 佛陀在此地宣说重要的经典,也是首次把佛陀的经典转化为文字的地点。
Buddha Stupa I and II - The stupas are 2 of the eight that contain part of the ashes of Buddha.
【佛塔I和II】- 装有佛陀舍利子的八个佛塔之二。
MahaPariNirvana Temple - The temple was built to commemorate the place of the great passing with a reclining statue of Lord Buddha.
Ramabhar Stupa - The site where Lord Buddha was cremated and relics were divided into eight equal parts.
【摩诃帕利尼瓦那庙】- 立于宁静的园林中怀念佛陀伟大的圆寂。考古学家曾经在这里发现一尊雕像,就是刻绘佛陀圆寂前的神态。
【佛陀火化塔】- 据说佛陀圆寂后,由弟子为他的佛体涂抹精油,并且盖上一层层绢布,送到这里火化。
Mayadevi Temple - The main temple of Lumbini that sits above the birthplace of the Buddha.
Ashokan Pillar which was erected by King Ashoka during his reign inscribed with edicts or inscriptions on Buddhism.
【摩耶夫人祠】- 佛陀诞生地上建的寺庙,也是蓝毗尼的主要寺庙。
【阿育王】- 阿育王为了弘扬佛法和铭记征略所建造的石柱。
Kapilvastu – The capital of the Shakya Kingdom. It is also the place where Buddha spent most his younger years growing up in the midst of luxury away from the miseries of life.
【迦吡罗】- 位置大约在大学山南麓,泥泊尔与印度的交界处,为古代释迦族的国都,夜市释迦牟尼的故乡。
IJetvana Vihar the temple which sheltered Buddha for 24 rainy seasons as he gave his teachings. Angulimala Stupa, one of the stupas that were excavated in Sravasti, was built by Angulimala, a dacoit who became an important disciple of Buddha after hearing his words.
【祗园精舍】- 佛陀在斯拉瓦斯提说法时,为佛陀阻档24个雨季的一所寺院。
【央掘魔罗塔】- 舍卫城西北面的央掘魔罗塔,央掘魔罗本为与文殊师利菩萨等级的大菩萨,为阐扬释迦牟尼佛所说发的第一义谛,示现入婆娑世界,直指世间是幻,是妄想,诸法自性寂灭,无法可说。极空,我法都非实义。
Sankasia – The site where Buddha descended from heaven after giving sermons to his mother in heaven. It is also known for its temple dedicated to Bisari Devi. However, today, it is a site of ruins.
【桑卡西雅】- 位于印度恒河流域的古国。《大唐西域记》称为劫比他国,从它向东南行不到200里到达曲女城。在法显途经时,此地杂学大乘佛教和小乘佛教。佛陀为母亲说法后返回人间圣地。
Taj Mahal – One of the 7 wonders of the world. The world-famous white marble mausoleum. It was commissioned by Emperor Shah Jehan as a tomb for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. Then, spend some time shopping at Connaught Place if time permits.
【泰姬陵】- 是位于印度北方邦阿格拉的一座用白色大理石建造的陵墓,是印度知名度最高的古迹之一。 它是莫卧儿王朝第5代皇帝沙贾汗为了纪念他的第三任妻子已故皇后姬蔓·芭奴而興建的陵墓,竣工于1654年。泰姬陵被广泛认为是“印度穆斯林艺术的珍宝和世界遗产中被广泛赞美的杰作之一”。
Box breakfast is prepared for today. Transfer to the airport for your flight back to Singapore
Min Group size: 10 to go for group tour, 2 to go for private tour